Book your last minute holiday in France

There are so many reasons why booking a last minute holiday can be a good idea. Firstly, if you wait until the last minute to decide whether or not to go on holiday and if you can't decide on a location, waiting before booking is often the right way forward.
But the main reason why last minute bookings can be a good idea is that you can often make serious savings by booking your summer or winter holidays at the last minute. You'll enjoy some incredible discounts on your holiday rates. All the ingredients you need for a fantastic stay![/br]

Where to book a last minute holiday rental?

Booking last minute holidays can be done throughout France and beyond. This type of booking is particularly well-suited to booking a short stay or a last minute weekend getaway. Last minute holiday residences on the Côte d'Azur, on the Basque coast, in Normandy or in the Alps are the perfect way to make great savings whether for the summer holidays or for a winter sports trip.

Get the very best last minute holiday deals with Néméa!

With Néméa, making a last minute holiday booking is a piece of cake. Néméa is the French specialist in holiday accommodation, from apartments, chalets and residences to houses and villas. The range of products on offer is extremely varied, allowing us to meet all requirements when bringing visitors last minute holiday deals!